Bus Pinot Blanc dry "Muschelkalk"

Item Number: 01-05082-2064

Flasche (L): 0,75

Alk. (Vol-%) | RZ | SR: 13,0 | k.A. | k.A.

Geschmack: unkompliziert, fruchtig, frisch

Rebsorte: Weißburgunder

Anbaugebiet: Pfalz

Herkunftsland: Deutschland

Jahrgang: 2020

Allergene | Verschluss: Enthält Sulfite | Schraubverschluss

Hersteller: Weingut Bus | Insheim | Pfalz

Jahrgangshinweis: Falls der bestellte Jahrgang nicht mehr erhältlich ist, behalten wir uns vor, den Folgejahrgang zu liefern.

Delivery Time: In Stock

Price: 10,00 €*

(Base Price: € 13.33 / 1 L)

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Pinot Blanc dry "Muschelkalk" | Winery Bus | Pfalz | White wine

A Pinot Blanc to my taste: fruity & fresh

The dry Pinot Blanc "Muschelkalk" from the Bus winery in the Pfalz region flatters the palate with its delicately playful fruit aromas and its complex, elegant body. This white wine from the Pfalz was fermented in stainless steel tanks.

Taste and appearance:
In the glass, this uncomplicated Pinot Blanc from the Bus winery in Insheim has a very beautiful pale yellow colour.

On the nose, the elegant Pinot Blanc offers fine, fruity aromas.

On the palate, this fruity taste experience continues with a beautifully integrated acidity. It won't stay with just one glass, I can promise you that.

The recommended drinking temperature is 7 - 10 °C.

The Weissburgunder from the Bus winery is an excellent accompaniment to dishes with pork, poultry and lamb. But we also like to drink this white wine from the Pfalz region solo in the evening with friends or as a twosome.

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