Winemakers Sparkling wine | classic bottle fermentation, hand shaken

Winemakers Sparkling wine produced in the classic bottle fermentation method, hand shaken. This elaborate process for the production of this sparkling pleasure is known from the production of champagne. The sparkling wine bottle is rotated around its longitudinal axis by a quarter of a turn at a fixed distance.

Brennfleck SILVANER BRUT Winzersekt
17.00 €*
22.67 € / 1 L
Brennfleck SILVANER BRUT Winzersekt
Rothe Frankensekt Muscaris brut nature
20.00 €*
26.67 € / 1 L
Rothe Frankensekt Muscaris brut nature
Rummel Pinot Blanc Sekt ‘brut nature’
12.00 €*
16.00 € / 1 L
Rummel Pinot Blanc Sekt ‘brut nature’