Bio Elbbrand Pear brandy

Item Number: 08-5097-999918

Flasche (L): 0,5

Alkoholgehalt (% Vol.): 40,0

Geschmack: Birne, weiche, klare Frucht

Herkunftsland: Deutschland

Zertifizierung: Bio-Zertifiziert, DE-ÖKO-006

Hersteller: BioFrucht Schaeper GmbH & Co. KG

Jahrgangshinweis: Falls der bestellte Jahrgang nicht mehr erhältlich ist, behalten wir uns vor, den Folgejahrgang zu liefern.

Delivery Time: In Stock

Price: 49,90 €*

(Base Price: € 99.80 / 1 L)

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Organic Elbbrand Pear Brandy | Organic Fine Brandies from Northern Germany

This is pure pear - a pear brandy of the very finest

The distillates are obtained only from the best fruits, harvested at the perfect stage of ripeness. Every step of the production process, from the strict selection to the careful distillation and storage, is carried out according to traditional methods. Each bottle is bottled by hand.

Enjoyment Factors.
Recommended drinking temperature: 16-18 °C

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