Stockholms Bränneri Gin & Tonic Äpplemust Glögg

Item Number: 07-5097-46030007

Flasche (L): 0,5

Alkoholgehalt (% Vol.): 15,0

Geschmack: fruchtig

Botanicals: Apfelmost , Wacholder

Sorte: New Western Gin / Glögg / Co-Lab mit Fruktstereo

Herkunftsland: Schweden

Jahrgang: k.A.

Zertifizierung: Bio-Zertifiziert, SE-EKO-03


Jahrgangshinweis: Falls der bestellte Jahrgang nicht mehr erhältlich ist, behalten wir uns vor, den Folgejahrgang zu liefern.

Delivery Time: 5-7 days

Hinweis: Vielleicht ist dieser Wein aus einem anderen Jahrgang noch verfügbar? Schauen Sie einfach mal.
  Note:  Unfortunately the item is out of stock.

Stockholms Bränneri Gin & Tonic Äpplemust Glögg (Gin)

It's all in the mix! DRY GIN and apple cider - the taste of winter

With the latest Christmas version "Gin & Tonic Glögg - Äpplemust" (apple cider), Stockholms Bränneri has created an unprecedented and unique taste profile.

A combination of our DRY GIN and an apple cider, with a hint of Christmas notes, creates this wonderful GIN & TONIC variant of the Swedish Christmas drink "Glögg". The Swedish mulled wine variant enjoys great popularity not only in Germany. For this reason, the edition is strictly limited.

Recommendation for preparing the Stockholms Bränneri Gin & Tonic Äpplemust Glögg

  • Swirl the bottle well before opening (the natural ingredients that have settled can mix perfectly with the gin).
  • Heat the G&T Glögg in a saucepan. The temperature of the Glögg should not exceed 65°, otherwise the alcohol will escape. Depending on your taste, you can add more winter spices or vanilla pods etc. However, the recipe is already very, very tasty.
  • After heating, the glögg is best served in a champagne bowl or (double) espresso cup.

Tipp: Der G&T Glögg kann auch kalt serviert werden.

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