Stölzle Q1 Cognac

Item Number: 420.00.18-6

Inhalt: 6er Set

Fertigung: mundgeblasen

Volumen in ml: 120

Höhe in mm: 185

Durchmesser in mm: 64

Farbe: transparent

Verwendungszweck: Cognac

spülmaschinengeeignet: ja

Hersteller: Stölzle-Lausitz GmbH

Jahrgangshinweis: Falls der bestellte Jahrgang nicht mehr erhältlich ist, behalten wir uns vor, den Folgejahrgang zu liefern.

Delivery Time: In Stock


Inhalt Price Base Price Stock  
2er Set € 67,86 € 33,93 / 1 Stück
6er Set € 196,56 € 32,76 / 1 Stück
Legende: Bestand: ausreichend / Bestand: niedrig / wird bestellt

Mudgeblasenes Cognacglas - Stölzle Cognac Q1

Stölzle Cognac Q1 - Cognac glass set
This exclusive and very elegant mudgeblown cognac glass of the Stölzle Q1 series is the perfect glass to enjoy your cognac in perfection.

The Q1 Series from Stölzle-Lausitz

Q1 is the exclusive, mouth-blown premium collection from Stölzle Lausitz. The hand-made wine and champagne glasses, produced by traditional glassmaking techniques, are particularly filigree and therefore lie pleasantly light in the hand. The drawn stem of the goblets is particularly long and fine, making them exceptionally elegant. The widest part of the wine glasses is set low: this not only gives them an extravagant design, but also gives the wine plenty of room to breathe and develop its aromas when filled to a low volume. Besides the wine glasses for red wines, white wines, sweet wines and champagne, Q1 also offers a goblet and a goblet for water, a Nosing glass for cognac and a noble brandy goblet. Q1 is the perfect glass collection for special, festive occasions.
Those who appreciate Q1's extraordinary design but place more emphasis on everyday suitability should choose glasses from Stölzle's machine-made QUATROPHIL collection: these glasses are made in the same chic and modern design, but more robust and hard-wearing.

Stölzle Q1 Burgunder Grand Cru
86.58 €*
43.29 € / 1 Stück
Stölzle Q1 Burgunder Grand Cru
Zalto Bordeaux Glas DENK’ART
45.00 €*
45.00 € / 1 Stück
Zalto Bordeaux Glas DENK’ART
Stölzle STARlight White wine glass
70.20 €*
11.70 € / 1 Stück
Stölzle STARlight White wine glass
Zalto white wine glass DENK’ART
43.00 €*
43.00 € / 1 Stück
Zalto white wine glass DENK’ART
Stölzle STARlight Red wine glass
61.78 €*
10.30 € / 1 Stück
Stölzle STARlight Red wine glass
Zalto Universal Weinglas DENK’ART
44.00 €*
44.00 € / 1 Stück
Zalto Universal Weinglas DENK’ART

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